
5 Common Myths and Facts About CBD: How to Use CBD Safely and Effectively

Myths and Facts About CBD

CBD is one of the very popular cannabinoids. People apply it topically or consume it orally in the form of oils, capsules, gummies, or drinks. According to a recent survey by Forbes, 60% of respondents have tried a CBD product. The number goes to 90% for participants aged 77 and above. 

CBD can be helpful for many people. However, separating fact from fiction is crucial if you seek to enjoy the potential benefits of CBD safely and effectively. Unfortunately, as the popularity of CBD (cannabidiol) continues to soar, so does the influx of information. It has led to several myths and misconceptions. 

From debunking misconceptions about its psychoactive properties to demystifying the diverse product offerings, you need to understand the truth about CBD. 

Let’s get started.

Understand the Common Myths about CBD 

The first order of business is to understand the myths associated with CBD. As mentioned before, there are several myths about CBD products. Let’s take a look at some of the most common myths.

1. CBD Gets You High

Let’s start with the most prevalent myth that CBD gets you high. However, this notion is inaccurate. Unlike its notorious cousin THC, CBD is non-psychoactive. Instead, CBD interacts with your endocannabinoid system. 

We know how confusing it can be, that a plant can have different compounds in it (THC, the one that gets you high, and CBD, the one that does not).  To put it into perspective, we want to draw a comparison for you to consider.

Consider a grape plant or a grapevine.  A grape grows on a vine and has some beneficial health properties. One of the most widely known compounds in a grape for health is resveratrol.  It is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a wonderful benefit to the body.  

A grape can be processed in multiple ways.  It can be processed to take this fabulous compound (resveratrol) out and that can be made into a healthy supplement.  But, a grape can also be fermented and processed another way.  It can be turned into wine, which intoxicates its drinker.

The hemp plant is similar. It grows a flower and that flower contains both CBD and THC.  It can be processed into a CBD product or a THC product.  

CBD influences various receptors to promote a sense of balance and well-being without producing the high. In short, it is a viable option if you seek the benefits of CBD without the so-called high produced by THC.  

2. CBD Doesn’t Have Side Effects

This is a crucial tidbit. Almost every product/medication you consume can have side effects. CBD is no different. It might interact with certain medications. Although well-tolerated, CBD may also cause dry mouth, diarrhea, reduced appetite, drowsiness, and fatigue.

CBD  has a biphasic effect.  This means it has different effects at different concentration levels.  Typically, smaller serving sizes produce a focused, clear, stimulant effect, while higher serving sizes offer more sedation and calming attributes.

So, first consult with your healthcare provider. They can help you understand if CBD might work with your existing medications. Remember, safety first, always.  And, second, knowing what you are using CBD for will help you know how to use it (at what serving size and what time) to use it properly and without any unwanted side effects.

3. CBD Is Same as THC

That’s not true. CBD stands for cannabidiol, while THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol. Although both are substances found in cannabis plants, they are two distinct compounds with different effects and properties. 

THC is the main psychoactive chemical in marijuana. It causes the “high” associated with marijuana. CBD, on the other hand, is not psychoactive. It may help support your well-being. It is also generally well-tolerated.

4. CBD Works Instantaneously

Again, this is far from the truth. Keep in mind that patience is a virtue when it comes to CBD. Unlike a swift-acting superhero, CBD often takes time to weave its magic. For optimal results, consistency is key. It’s not a one-time fix but rather a gradual process. Over time, it can gently nudge your body towards balance. So, stick with it, and you’ll likely notice the difference unfolding over time.

5. All CBD Products Are Made Equal 

That’s simply not true. Not all CBD products are made equal. CBD comes with several other plant-based ingredients. All these ingredients work together to support your health and well-being. Opt for products from reputable sources, ensuring they undergo rigorous testing for purity and potency. Your well-being deserves the best, so choose wisely. 

How to Use CBD Safely and Effectively

CBD may help support your general bodily functions and well-being. Athletes can use it to support post-workout recovery, while you can use it to help support a restful night’s sleep. However, you need to be careful when using CBD products, whether oils, tinctures, or gummies. 

Here’s what you need to keep in mind:  

1. Start Low and Go Slow

More the merrier is certainly not applicable in this case. Instead, think of CBD as a wellness journey, not a sprint. Start slow and gradually increase servings. This allows you to observe how your body responds, preventing any unexpected surprises. Remember, finding your sweet spot is a personalized process. So, take it easy. 

2. Consider the Quality

As discussed before, not all CBD products are created equal. Each CBD wellness brand will use different quality control measures. You should shop around before settling down on a particular brand. Just make sure you choose products from reputable sources that undergo rigorous testing for purity and potency. Your well-being journey should be comfortable. Also, your body deserves all the love and care. So, choose your CBD products carefully.  

3. Understand Full Spectrum and Broad Spectrum vs. Isolate

Educate yourself on the different types of CBD – full spectrum, broad spectrum and isolate. Full-spectrum and broad-spectrum products often contain a range of plant ingredients other than CBD. They collectively support your overall well-being and bodily functions. Isolate, on the other hand, is pure CBD. Knowing this difference allows you to choose a CBD product that aligns with your wellness goals.

4. Think about Your Body Chemistry

Your body is as unique as your fingerprint. In other words, what works for someone else may not work the same way for you. Besides, as mentioned, every CBD product is different. So, it is necessary to listen to your body. 

When you start your CBD wellness journey, pay attention to how your body responds and adjust your routine accordingly. This tailored approach ensures your CBD experience is as unique as you are. But more importantly, it helps you achieve your desired wellness goals.  

5. Diversify Your CBD Experience

One of the best things about CBD is that it’s not a one-trick pony. It can support your well-being in different ways. For example, it can help support your sleep routine. It can also help support post-workout recovery. In short, explore the diverse ways it can enhance your well-being. Tailor your CBD experience to YOUR needs, making it a versatile companion in your wellness toolkit.

6. Be Patient

We live in a world of instant gratification. But in a world accustomed to instant results, CBD asks for patience. Unlike a rapid-acting solution, CBD often takes time to show the desired results. Be consistent, and stick with your routine. Let your CBD product work its magic gradually. Your body will thank you for the steady, gentle support.

7. Talk to Your Healthcare Provider

Before embarking on your CBD journey, consult with your healthcare provider, especially if you’re on other medications. CBD may interact with certain drugs, and your safety is paramount. A quick consult with your healthcare professional will help clarify your doubts.


As you venture into the world of CBD, arm yourself with the right knowledge. Don’t give in to the myths or misleading information. Learn as much as you can about the facts associated with CBD. But also remember that your journey is unique. Embrace CBD as a personalized ally in your quest for well-being. Doing so will help you unlock its full potential as a natural, supportive force in your life. Here’s to a healthier, happier you!

Are you ready to start your wellness journey with CBD? Get in touch with us. You can also shop our products online.

Cassie has a background in manufacturing operations, healthcare operations, nutrition, and health coaching. This results in an unparalleled understanding of how each part of production affects the whole product. Cassie is a true advocate for healthy and holistic living, preventive lifestyles, and clean food/ingredients

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