
CBD for Pets: Dosage, Safety, and Potential Side Effects

Seeing your beloved pet struggle with health issues is tough. They’re like family, and when they’re not up to their usual tail-wagging, joy-spreading selves, you want to help them bounce back.

You might be wondering if there’s a gentle, natural way to support your pet’s health. Fortunately, CBD might just be a potential path to explore.  

The buzz around CBD pet products has grown massively. The United States is the largest market for CBD pet sales in North America, accounting for more than half of the market share. While the full scientific story of CBD’s benefits for pets is still being written, many pet owners are sharing positive experiences.

At The Wellness Collection, we understand the special bond you share with your pet, and our products are designed to nurture that connection. We also know how difficult it is to navigate the maze of information and claims around CBD. In this post, we’ll clear the air and provide you with the essential facts about CBD products for pets.

Understanding CBD for Pets 

Let’s start with a brief rundown on CBD. Short for cannabidiol, CBD is the second-most active ingredient in marijuana, right after tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). But unlike its cousin, CBD doesn’t get you high, meaning you can harness its benefits without the psychoactive effects.

While research into CBD is still budding (and the FDA hasn’t green-lit it yet), there’s growing interest in its potential for pet health. Early studies and some anecdotal evidence suggest it might help with stress, nervousness, or discomfort in pets, especially dogs and cats.

Now, is CBD safe for dogs? From what we know, CBD seems to sit well with animals. But it’s crucial to steer clear of THC for pets, as it can be toxic to them. So, when choosing CBD products for your furry friend, remember to pick ones with less than 0.3% of THC.

As for whether CBD will make your pets high, the answer is a resounding no! They might become more relaxed, but they won’t lose alertness. Just be mindful of the dosage- we’ll get into that later.

Common Types of CBD Products for Pets 

CBD pet products come in all shapes and sizes, including:

  • Oils
  • Topicals
  • Edibles
  • Tinctures

CBD oil, a blend of cannabinoid extract and a carrier oil like coconut or hemp seed oil, is a top pick for pet owners. These oils are fast-acting, especially when used sublingually, as they absorb directly into the bloodstream.  

However, if your pet is fussy about medicines, administering CBD oil can be a challenge. You can mix it with their food, but it may slow down the onset of effects.

CBD dog chews are edible treats infused with CBD oil, available in various colors, shapes, flavors, and strengths. They’re great for on-the-go situations- like calming your nervous pet on a long road trip. That said, they generally take a bit longer to work compared to oils.

CBD topicals are specially formulated products designed for external use. These typically include creams, balms, or salves infused with CBD and are applied directly to your pet’s skin or coat. The idea is to target specific areas of discomfort or irritation, such as joints, muscles, or skin hot spots.

Lastly, CBD tinctures mix CBD oil with a liquid like alcohol or a carrier oil. You can give these to your pets by placing a few drops directly into their mouth or adding them to their food. Tinctures allow for precise dosage and are a good option if you want to adjust the amount of CBD you’re giving your pet. They’re especially helpful for pets who might not like chews or have dietary restrictions.

Wondering where to buy CBD dog chews and similar products? The Wellness Collection offers a variety of CBD pet products to suit different preferences and needs. Check out our website to buy CBD for pets.

Health Benefits of CBD for Pets 

Over the years, CBD has gained repute for its range of potential wellness benefits- and this extends to our four-legged friends as well.

Let’s dive into some health concerns where CBD might lend a paw.

1. Dealing with Chronic Discomfort

A study says 1 in 5 dogs in the U.S. battle joint issues and arthritis, which can significantly dampen their spirits. But it’s not just arthritis; other conditions like hip dysplasia, post-surgery recovery, and certain progressive diseases can also lead to chronic discomfort.

Traditional pain relief options often come with unwanted side effects like nausea, loss of appetite, and even more serious issues affecting the liver or kidneys. This is where CBD oil can step in as a gentler option. As a natural compound, CBD could offer a way to manage these discomfort symptoms without any harsh side effects.

2. Anxiety and Stress in Pets

Does your pet hide under the bed during thunderstorms or bark excessively when someone’s at the door? They could be experiencing anxiety.

Pet anxiety comes in two main forms: situational (triggered by events like storms or strangers) and behavioral (more deep-rooted issues). Whatever the case, you need to address it head-on. CBD products for pets, including oils and chews, can help manage stress, providing a sense of calm to help pets cope better with triggers.

3. Seizures and Epilepsy

It’s distressing to watch a pet go through a seizure. According to the American Kennel Club Health Foundation, epilepsy is the most common neurological disorder in dogs, affecting about 0.75% of the canine population.

A few factors that can trigger seizures in dogs include:

  • Toxins
  • Brain conditions
  • Anemia
  • Encephalitis
  • Strokes
  • Liver disease

Here’s some hopeful news: CBD might offer support (alongside medication) in managing seizure symptoms. Research, including clinical trials, has shown promising signs that CBD can help reduce the frequency of seizures in dogs.

Remember, although CBD for pets has its benefits, it’s important to approach its use thoughtfully and consult with a vet, especially when managing specific health concerns. If you need more information on how CBD can be a part of your pet’s wellness routine, reach out to us at The Wellness Collection.  

CBD Dosage for Pets

Finding the right dose of CBD can be tricky, especially since there are no standard regulations available yet. Generally speaking, three major factors influence CBD doses for cats and dogs.

Size: The size of your pet plays a crucial role in how much CBD they should take. Larger animals require higher doses than smaller ones.

Condition Severity: Your pet’s condition will also affect the dosage. For instance, a pet with mild discomfort may need less CBD compared to one dealing with more intense issues.  

Product Concentration: Most credible manufacturers have the CBD concentration for each serving listed on their label. Do take this into account when setting a dosage for your pet.

The American Kennel Club recommends starting with a dosage of about 0.1 to 0.2 mg of CBD per kilogram of your dog’s weight. Consider this a starting point, and you can gradually increase the dosage depending on your pet’s response.

Also, allow time for the CBD to assimilate into your pet’s system. With a bit of patience, trial, and adjustments, you’re likely to see positive outcomes.

Possible Side Effects of CBD for Pets

Given what we’ve seen with our products, we’d say there are minimal side effects to using reputable, THC-free CBD products in appropriate amounts. However, excessively high doses might lead to:

  • Dry mouth
  • A drop in blood pressure
  • Drowsiness
  • Digestive trouble

These side effects are usually temporary and should disappear once you adjust the dosage.

Note that the CBD market is largely unregulated, and there are plenty of counterfeit products out there. Fake or low-quality CBD products might not only be ineffective but could contain harmful additives, including THC, which can harm your pet’s health.

Hence, you must purchase CBD products from reputable brands that strictly adhere to industry standards. Look for products made from US-grown hemp, extracted using USDA-certified methods, and verified by independent third-party lab testing. This way, you have a better shot at receiving authentic CBD products for pets that deliver on their promises.

To Conclude 

CBD’s rise in the wellness realm has been meteoric, and it’s not just for humans – your pet can join in too. We hope this article has shed light on CBD for pets, including understanding its nature and the appropriate amounts for your furry friend.

Discover The Wellness Collection’s premium range of CBD pet products. Crafted from high-quality, organic ingredients and rigorously tested, we’re committed to providing only the best for your furry family members. Reach out to us today and embark on a journey towards a happier, healthier life for your pet.

Cassie has a background in manufacturing operations, healthcare operations, nutrition, and health coaching. This results in an unparalleled understanding of how each part of production affects the whole product. Cassie is a true advocate for healthy and holistic living, preventive lifestyles, and clean food/ingredients

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